
Check-in Policy

Privacy Policy

During your stay, information will be collected about you and your preferences in order to provide you with the best possible service. This information will be retained to facilitate your future stays. Information collected will also be used for analysis purposes and to communicate news and promotions to you from The Prince Akatoki London.

You may request access to and correction of your personal data at any time by contacting the Data Privacy Officer at info@staywellgroup.com. All guest personal information is dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy. A full copy of our privacy policy is located on our website www.staywellgroup.com or alternatively, you may request a copy of our terms & conditions from any of our Front Office staff.

Terms and Conditions

All stays in the hotel are subject to our terms & conditions. A full copy of our term & conditions policy is located on our website www.seibuprince.com/terms or alternatively, you may request a copy of our terms & conditions from any of our Front Office staff.

In compliance with legislation in England, many establishments, including The Prince Akatoki London are non-smoking. Should you violate this policy, a fee of £300.00 per night will be added to your room bill. As per The Immigration Order 1972, upon arrival we are required to take a copy of all guests’ passport or approved identification.

On arrival, an approval will be sought on guest credit cards for an amount equal to the total room night charges plus estimated incidental charges. Guests agree that the liability for the bill is not waived and will be held personally liable in the event that the indicated person, company or association fails to pay for any part of these charges. Departure date changes and late check-out times are subject to fees.

VALUABLES: You agree that any money or other valuables, goods or vehicles that belong to you, brought into the hotel building or grounds, remain your responsibility.

EXTRA PERSON(S): Notification of extra person(s) staying in your room(s) must be given to the Front Office.

EXCESS CLEANING/MAINTENANCE: If rooms are found to be in need of cleaning and repairs, as a result of your occupancy that are beyond reasonable normal expectations, you may be charged an appropriate excess cleaning/maintenance fee.

Gym guest waiver: I accept full responsibility for myself and my guests’ use of the equipment and facilities operated by The Prince Akatoki London Gym at my own risk. I will not hold the hotel, its director and employees responsible for any loss, claim, injury, damage or liability incurred. In interest of hygiene, health and safety I agree to wear appropriate footwear throughout The Prince Akatoki London Gym at all times.